Certosa is looking up

Numerous artists took part in an ambitious redevelopment project for this district of Genoa. We were there.

Certosa is looking up

Looking up, both metaphorically and literally. After decades of chaotic urbanisation and following the collapse of the Morandi Bridge, Genoa City Council, in collaboration with the Linkinart Association, has decided to restore dignity to the historic district of Certosa.

This redevelopment plan for the district prompted the On The Wall project, in which internationally renowned artists spent last July creating numerous murals on the most visible walls of the area. They included Agostino Iacurci, the street artist who created the mural sponsored by Slam.

The project will help revive the district and radically change how it is perceived by both the people who live there and by visitors, reintegrating it into the urban fabric and turning it into a genuine outdoor art gallery. The inhabitants Certosa now have another reason to walk proudly with their heads held high.

Certosa is looking up