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El compromiso de SLAM por una producción sostenible es serio, concreto y constante. Más del 40 % de nuestros artículos contienen al menos un componente sostenible. Este recorrido virtuoso parte internamente de la empresa de forma consciente, con elecciones concretas y el uso de buenas prácticas. Con la decisión de devolver la fabricación de los productos de gama alta de la colección en parte a Europa y en parte a Italia, nos situamos como protagonistas de un reshoring que genera un importante impacto sostenible desde el punto de vista económico, medioambiental y social. De hecho, estamos acercando el origen de las prendas al consumidor que las vestirá. También hemos decidido eliminar la tintura en prenda, reduciendo así sensiblemente el consumo y la contaminación de las aguas. Nuestras tintorerías operan en pleno respeto de los estándares más elevados, con el uso de colorantes certificados y la mejor gestión de las aguas residuales.
Tejidos de materias primas recicladasPara reducir el impacto medioambiental, SLAM se está esforzando por utilizar en la fabricación de sus prendas muchos tejidos producidos con fibras procedentes del reciclaje de botellas de plástico, redes de pesca y desechos industriales. Mientras que el plástico se está convirtiendo para muchos en uno de los problemas más nocivos para el planeta, para otros es un increíble recurso con el que desarrollar proyectos ecológicos. Reciclar significa ahorrar en materias primas, energía, agua y reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Se estima que de las 480 000 toneladas de PET producidas solo 140 000 son recuperadas. El resto va a parar directamente a los vertederos. Gracias a la tecnología, hoy es posible obtener fibras textiles de vanguardia utilizando los desechos del plástico tanto pre- como post-consumo. A través de una compleja elaboración química, el plástico de botellas, redes de pesca y desechos industriales se reduce a escamas de poliéster y se transforma en gránulos mediante fusión para ser extruidos posteriormente en fibras y después en hilos. Las investigaciones han demostrado que la producción de fibras procedentes de desechos reciclados post-consumo requiere un 75 % menos de agua, un 47 % menos de energía y genera un 55 % menos de emisiones respecto a las fibras producidas con materias primas originales a base de petróleo.
El algodón con el que se fabrican nuestras camisetas, polos y sudaderas proviene de cultivos ecológicos que reducen el impacto medioambiental y la demanda de recursos energéticos. El algodón biológico u orgánico es la alternativa ecológica al algodón tradicional. Se cultiva con métodos y productos de bajo impacto medioambiental y, para su elaboración, se utilizan sistemas de producción biológica para fertilizar el terreno eliminando el uso de pesticidas y fertilizantes químicos tóxicos persistentes tanto en el medio ambiente como en el propio algodón. De hecho, los compuestos químicos resisten en las fibras después de los lavados y pueden contaminar las aguas. Además, el uso de algodón orgánico reduce también el riesgo de alergias y erupciones cutáneas. GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), reconocida por los principales mercados internacionales, es la certificación que garantiza el uso de fibras procedentes de la agricultura biológica.
Para la producción de nuestros pantalones de algodón, hemos elegido materiales certificados BCI, la principal iniciativa mundial de sostenibilidad para el algodón, cuya misión consiste en ayudar a las comunidades del algodón a sobrevivir y prosperar protegiendo y recuperando el medio ambiente. BCI se propone transformar la producción de algodón en todo el mundo, combatiendo el impacto negativo de su cultivo y su elaboración. BCI promueve mejoras continuas que se pueden medir en el medio ambiente, en las comunidades agrícolas y en las economías de las áreas de producción del algodón. Transcurridos diez años desde el inicio del programa, casi un cuarto del algodón mundial se fabrica ya siguiendo el Better Cotton Standard, lo que confirma que el mundo no solo quiere algodón, sino un algodón mejor. El programa se propone reducir en un 50 % las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero por tonelada de Better Cotton producido antes de que finalice 2030.
Es bien sabido que una de las fuentes de contaminación más peligrosa e invasiva de las aguas es la liberación de microplásticos durante los lavados de microfibras, que además entran en el ciclo alimentario. El compromiso de SLAM consiste en contribuir a reducir este problema y ha encontrado en Pontetorto el socio ideal para concentrar sus esfuerzos en investigaciones que resuelvan este problema. Biopile es el primer tejido de forro polar que representa la solución definitiva al problema de los microplásticos. Lo que hace único al Biopile es el uso especial de fibras biodegradables en su cara interior. En los forros polares tradicionales, la parte interior está formada por poliéster que no es biodegradable, mientras que en el Biopile la cara interior está formada por fibras sintéticas biodegradables, por lo que los microplásticos liberados (en los casos en que se trate de fibras naturales como Tencel, cáñamo, etc.) se destruyen en 90 días. Por otra parte, la parte exterior del tejido está compuesta de un filamento continuo de alto rendimiento en poliéster reciclado.
This notice describes which of your personal data is collected by Go Global Ecommerce S.r.l. and by SLAM.com Spa (hereinafter referred to as "us"), the purposes for this and how it is processed. You will also find the information necessary to exercise your rights under GDPR. In general, we collect your data when you create an account on our online store www.slam.com (hereinafter "Store"), when you purchase products offered for sale in the Store, when you send us emails or when you call us for assistance. You are hereby informed that the personal data collected during said procedures will be processed in order to respond to your requests, allow you to use the services offered by the Store through the private areas (for example, to process your orders and perform the tasks necessary to do this, including the transactions required for administrative and tax compliance and, at your request and information) and to provide better services, marketing and support for you and other customers, as set out above. 1. Who processes your data: data controllers SLAM.com Spa with registered offices at Via A. Manzoni, 3 20121 Milano P. IVA 11806840960,Go Global Ecommerce Srl a sole shareholder company, with registered offices at Via L. Colli, 15 10128 Turin, fiscal code and tax code no. 08003340018 (hereinafter “Go Global Ecommerce”) The Rocket Science Group LLC d/b/a MailChimp (di seguito "MailChimp") are the joint controllers of your data. In accordance with Art. 26 GDPR, you are hereby informed that Go Global Ecommerceis the controller of your personal data for the purposes of: processing and managing your orders, shipping the products you have bought, providing you with the necessary after-sales support, managing the return of purchased products, complying with taxation law and, subject to your prior consent, carrying out marketing activities, in accordance with the purposes and methods set out below. In accordance with Art. 26 GDPR, you are hereby informed that SLAM.com Spa, is the controller of your personal data for the purposes of: managing Store accounts when transitioning to new operators or internalising the services currently entrusted to Go Global Ecommerce; helping Go Global Ecommerce identify your location in order to abide by the legal or contractual warranties, including managing product return procedures; managing and maintaining the Store; and, subject to your consent, marketing. In accordance with art. 26 GDPR, we inform you that MailChimp processes your user data solely for the purposes and methods indicated by SLAM.com Spa and Go Global Ecommerce. 2. Which data we process - Type of data processed Your contact and account data. We will retain the contact information you provide (for example, your first name, surname, address, telephone number, email, country of residence,) when you create an account on the Store, purchase a product and/or take part in our competitions or promotions. Your payment and invoicing data. We will retain the payment and invoicing data that you provide (for example, credit card number, post code and address) when you purchase a product, for the purpose of managing your order and shipping the products. At your request, we can also retain the payment and invoicing data in order to make future purchases easier. Website use data. By using our website, you agree for us to process the data from your browser and the device you are using, as well as your IP address (this is the number that identifies a specific device on the internet and that is needed for your device to communicate with websites). We can analyse which site you have come from, what you have done and what you have not done on our website. 3. Where we get your data - Data collection method: Directly from you. For example, if you register to make a purchase from the Store, create an account, take part in a competition, ask us a question or contact with our call centre. If you do not send us your data, you will not be able to register at the Store and will therefore be unable to purchase any products offered for sale. Through the use of the Store's features. We use cookies and other technology, such as pixel tags, on our websites and in our emails in order to collect your usage data and to make better targetted promotions. To find out more, please view our Cookie Policy. 4. Why and how long we process your data for - Purpose and legal basis for data processing; retention period To supply the products and services you have purchased and send you information about your order or your payment. For example, we will use your data to manage your order, confirm your purchase and manage any related services, such as shipping your purchased products. We cannot manage and process your order without your data. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of the purchase agreement to which you are party from the moment you accept the Store's terms and conditions of sale. The retention period for your data is equal to the period required to process the order. Wherever you have created a Store account, the period will be 24 months from the date on which the data was collected. To provide you with the necessary after-sales support in accordance with the applicable product warranty laws. For example, we will use your data to provide you with support and to manage the return and/or repair of the products you have purchased from the Store, in accordance with the applicable laws. The legal basis for this processing is compliance with the legal requirements. The retention period is equal to the period required by law (in particular, by the Italian Consumer Code). To correctly manage your billing status. We process your data for the accounting, administrative and tax purposes directly related to the joint controllers' business activities and required by the applicable laws. The legal basis for this processing is compliance with the legal requirements. The retention period is equal to the period required by law (in particular, fiscal, money laundering, banking and public security laws). So that you can interact with our customer support staff. We may use your email address or phone number, as well as your name and/or postal address, to help you if you need support when using the products you purchased from the Store. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of the purchase agreement that you entered into with Go Global Ecommerce when you accepted the Store's terms and conditions of sale and compliance with the legal obligations regarding warranties and customer support. It is also possible that information regarding the support or a service problem may be captured. To improve its customer support service, which is subject to the applicable laws, Go Global Ecommerce may also record and relisten to your conversations with its customer support staff. The legal basis for this processing is Go Global Ecommerce's legitimate interest in improving the quality of the customer services it provides. In addition, Go Global Ecommercemay analyse any feedback provided voluntarily through customer surveys. The legal basis for this processing is the consent of the interested party. In all of the aforementioned cases, the data retention period is equal to the period during which your account is active. To monitor and improve our products and the Store. With your consent, we analyse your usage data, preferences and consumption of our products in order to improve our approach for both you and our customers in general. We do so through automated processing that includes profiling. This is done in order to make better decisions regarding services, advertising, products and content based on a greater understanding of how our customers use our services, and to provide a more personalised user experience. For this reason, we may also collect your IDFA (Identifier for Advertising) for iOS devices and your AAID (Google Advertising ID) for Android devices so that we can provide you with targeted, relevant adverts based on your preferences and interests. The legal basis for this processing is your explicit consent. The retention period for your data is equal to 12 months from the date on which the data was collected. To prevent or investigate illegal behaviour or to protect and assert rights. For example, we may use your data to prevent the breach of our intellectual property rights (for example, counterfeiting of our and/or our partners' trademarks) or theft (including credit card cloning and thefts that we believe to have occurred during a competition, activity or event) or other illegal activities, as permitted by the applicable law. The legal basis for this processing is the legitimate interest of the joint data controllers. The data retention period is equal to the time that is reasonably necessary to assert our rights from the point at which we become aware of the illegal behaviour or the potential to commit illegal behaviour.For marketing purposes. Subject to your consent, you may be contacted by email, text message, telephone or other means with information or offers concerning the events, products or services available. The legal basis for this processing is your explicit consent. The retention period for your data is equal to 12 months from the date on which the data was collected. Other purposes permitted by the law. In certain circumstances, we may process your data if there is a legitimate interest for Go Global Ecommerce and SLAM.com Spa, in accordance with Art. 6, paragraph 1 (f) of GDPR. For the aforementioned purposes, personal data is processed using manual, digital and online tools with software that is closely related to said purposes and, in any case, is processed in such a way that the data is kept secure and confidential in accordance with the law. 5. Cookies What are cookies? Cookies are small text files that are sent to your computer when you visit a website. Your computer saves the cookies and sends them back to the website when you visit the website again. The cookies used by the Store and their purpose. The site uses cookies whose purpose is to allow some sections to function correctly, for example when accessing the private area of the Store ("technical cookies"), to provide certain personalised features ("functional cookies"), to improve the browsing experience ("analytical cookies") and to help us offer you personalised recommendations for products you may like ("profiling cookies"). The first time you visit the website, a banner will ask you to accept (or not accept) cookies. You can refuse to accept all or some cookies or you can change your computer's settings, including at a later date, so that you know when you receive cookies or so that you can stop your computer automatically accepting cookies. The Store uses the following types of cookies:
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